Aumento de senos (Implants Included)
Breast augmentation is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgical procedures. Millions of women have enhanced their bodies with silicone and saline implants that look and feel natural.


Breast augmentation, traditionally known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure performed to enhance the shape and size of a woman’s breasts or to correct an imbalance in a woman’s breast size.


A breast augmentation surgery can be performed within one to two hours and there are two possible method of insertion and positioning of your implant including periaeriolar, which means around the nipple area and inframammary, which means beneath the breast. The breast tissue and skin are lifted are lifted through the incision either above or underneath the pectoral muscle (chest wall muscle), to create a pocket where the implants are positioned.


The ideal candidate for a breast augmentation is a non-smoking, adult in good physical health. The person undergoing the procedure should have realistic expectations for procedure outcome and should be maintaining a stable weight.


Temporary fatigue and soreness, post-surgery
No heavy lifting, pushing or straining in immediate post-operative period
Return to work within 5 to 7 days